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Updated: Apr 20, 2021

We all have our unique ways to enjoy every minute and every seconds of our life. We are gifted with different skills and talents that we mostly enhance to build up our self-esteem. Last year we were hit by a pandemic that made us to lock ourselves at home to be safe. My usual routine started to change because of this. I am bored most of the time since I am not allowed to go outside so instead of mumbling and raging for this situation, I just grab it as an opportunity to go back on the things that I enjoyed doing at home. These are:

1. Sketching- I am not so good at it. To be honest, I can only draw if I have something that can be copied. I cannot draw out of my imagination. The things that I already tried to sketch are noses, lips, portrait (a bit) and cartoon faces. I also tried to do perspective drawings since I am amazed how architects do their plates but telling you guys it is not that easy. You need a lot of practice for you to perfect everything.

2. Painting- Doing this is really relaxing. My friend was the reason why I do painting, because I am inspired by her artworks, so I tried it. I am still in the process of learning though. My mediums for this are watercolors and acrylic paint.

3. Dancing-

Dancing is my forte. I will rather choose to dance than to do any extracurricular activities for it is not only look cool, but this will also help you to be physically fit and boost your energy. Thanks to Tik-Tok app because it made it easy for me to do different dance routine which is so entertaining.

4. Singing and playing ukulele - I love singing through karaoke app like We Sing. Hearing myself sing help to boost my confidence and relieve the stress that I am carrying though, my voice is not that really good but somehow, I can sing. Sometimes I also sing while playing basic ukulele chords.

5. Baking- My latest hobby that I pursue doing was baking. I just thought that it would be nice to learn something that is useful for me in the future since I am a woman, I must start learning how to cook in preparation for being an adult.

6. Watching Documentaries- I love watching true stories especially documentaries about mental health. You will not only be entertained but also, you'll discover different situations that every persons are experiencing in reality. the recent videos that I binge watching are the videos of Soft White Underbelly. this is a youtube channel that has a content of interviewing different people about their sufferings in life. It made me realize that everyone of us are struggling and battling silently. This made me understand their needs and reasons behind their traumas.

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