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Updated: Apr 20, 2021

Have you ever wondered how a STEM student life is? You may have a lot of questions running around your mind right now especially when the track that you want to pursue in your senior highschool year is Science, Technology,Engineering,Mathematics. Some students start tagging this strand as stressful,mind crushing, and only for genius. They often thought as if we knew everything about math computations and science related stuffs. It will kind a pressure you for that expectations but don't worry this topic that I'm about to share to you will give you some hints on how to like and survive STEM even if you're only an average student like me.

1.Be Hardworking- We all know that not all people are born with high IQ. There are only a few who have this gift. They can easily catch up with different computations and logic quickly. For me, being smart will only give you an edge in surviving this strand; however, not a sole one.One of the keys here is being hardworking. We all know the Filipino saying, "Daig ng masipag ang matalino". Start reading your notes or modules a head of time and do your tasks with effort. Stop procrastinating if you don't want to cram and be bombarded with loads of activities.

2. Have your owned a scientific calculator- Since STEM is accompanied with tons of computations, basic calculator is not enough. I consider scientific calculator as essential in every stem student like me because of some complicated computations that can only be solved using a sci cal. I have already experienced not bringing a sci cal and believe me that was so hassle for me because I had to wait for someone who could lend me one and it was time consuming that sometimes it led me to unfinish or made me fail to do my work or activities on time.

3. Note Taking- Learning has a various ways and techniques, some of which are visual learners,verbal learners,auditory learners and more. Personally, note taking is my best way to learn because everytime I rewrite my notes, It also helps me to retain and review all the lessons that have been discussed. It also helpes me to be organized thus, this makes me more motivated to study.

4. Make Friends - We have a saying, "No man is an island", that's why it is important for us to socialize with other people not only for companionship but also to have friends that you can rely on. We can be updated all the time and it will also help us build our self esteem but be sure to be with group of people who can bring good influences to you and can help you succeed in your goals. Stay away from bad company that will only destruct and mislead you from focusing on your goals. As the Bible says, " Bad company can ruin good character."

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