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Part of being a STEM student is to study about technologies that is why we have this subject. Before, I was not really interested about it at all my main for taking the track STEM is for Science only but as I gone through months of taking this subject, I realized that I'm starting to like it. There were a lot of informations that were new to me. Just like different emerging technologies that seems to be so impossible to have before like Biometrics, 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence(AI), 5G networks,drones, Virtual reality and many more. I also knew the different definitions and terms of ICT. We got to learn all about empowerment technologies, web pages,browsers ,the Internet as well as the different methods of usage of online productivity tools such as Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Miicrosoft Powerpoint. Being literate about all of these is a big help for me and may give me an edge for seeking a job in the future since the industries are gradually innovating their ways technologically. These things will also help me to be aware of different online threats that can cause different damages in our computer devices as well as to our safety.

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